Discussion for Data Science Practicum
Wednesday 7:30-8:45 pm, online
Friday 2:30-3:45 pm, 105 Brogden Psychology Building
Office hours: Tueday & Thursday 7:00-8:00 pm, CST, online
Tentative topics:
Course projects: Module 1, 2, 3
Project related skills: RShiny, Jupyter Notebook, Github, JSON, etc.
The Unix Shell: CLI commands, pipes and filters
Optimization: gradient descent, SGD, Newton’s method
Data Science interview questions
Hardware Requirements:
Students need to have a PC/laptop running either Mac or Linux. If your computer has only Windows installed, I recommend the following two options:
Run a virtual linux computer (Easy)
Install Linux in dual boot with Windows (Requires some effort but it is interesting)
Personally, I like the following Linux distros: Manjaro, Linux Mint, Pop!_OS
- Karl Broman’s tutorials on git/github, make, perl, and more
- Cécile Ané’s course (STAT 679/992) on Computing Tools for Data Analytics
- CS231n, CS246, CS229T from Stanford
- R for Data Science
- Editor/IDE: VS Code, PyCharm, Sublime, SpaceVim
- Google Colab
- Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau’s free book on Operating Systems (CS 537)